Cuando estás aprendiendo un nuevo idioma hay muchos aspectos gramaticales a tener en cuenta. Uno de ellos es el uso y el manejo de phrasal verbs en ingles o verbos compuestos que tienen un significado especial y diferente y que son muy usados por los angloparlantes / nativos en el inglés real que hablan a diario.
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Se trata de verbos + adverbios / verbos + preposiciones. En general es fácil reconocerlos si tenemos en cuenta cómo están formados, lo que muchas veces resulta confuso para los estudiantes de inglés es que pueden tener varios significados de los cuales es necesario acordarse.

BACK UP: respaldar o reversa / retroceso según el contexto en que se utilice.
Ex. My parents backed me up over my decision to quit my university career.
Please back up your car so that I can get out.
BREAK DOWN: dejar de funcionar / operar si nos referimos a un vehículo o máquina y quebrarse emocionalmente cuando hacemos referencia a personas.
Ex. If my car breaks down again, I´m going to sell it.
The woman broke down when she received the terrible news about her son.
BRING UP: mencionar algo / traer a colación un tema.
Ex. Don´t bring up the topic again. I’m sick and tired of it.
BRING ON: causar / provocar.
Ex. Excessive consumption of alcohol can bring on serious health issues.
CALL ON: visitar / llamar.
Ex.He’s planning to call on Katherine next week.
CALL OFF: cancelar.
Ex. The meeting was called off because of the pandemic.
COME BACK: volver a algún lugar.
Ex.I came back to my hometown after many years of living abroad to see what it looked like.
COME ACROSS: encontrarse con alguien / algo de casualidad.
Ex. During one of his trips he came across an old friend. I came across a word I’d never seen in my life.
CUT DOWN ON STH: reducir el consumo de algo.
Ex. I’m trying to cut down on flour.
CUT OUT: detener / dejar de hacer algo.
Ex. If you cut out going out every night, you won’t feel so tired in the mornings.
DROP BY: visitar/ pasar.
Ex. I’ve just found out my boyfriend is sick so I’ll drop by to bring him some food.
DROP OFF:dejar / entregar.
Ex. Could you please drop me off at the office? I’ll come to your house and drop off your cake pan.
EAT OUT: comer afuera.
Ex.I’d like to eat out tonight.
FILL UP: llenar.
Ex. Too many spam emails are filling up our inboxes.
GET ACROSS:comunicar una idea.
Ex. He had an interesting plan for reducing the level of pollution in the city, but it took him a long time to get his ideas across .
GET ALONG WITH / GET ON WELL WITH: llevarse bien con alguien.
Ex.Family meetings are not a burden for me since I really get along / on well with my in-laws.
GET BY: sobrevivir.
Ex. It was hard to get by on one salary when Tom lost his job.
GET OVER: recuperarse.
Ex. She had Covid-19 and it took her many months to get over it.
GIVE UP: rendirse / abandonar.
Ex. After ten minutes trying to get the answer I gave up.
GO OUT: salir con alguien.
Ex. I’ve been going out with Joe for a month now and I feel like I’m already falling in love with him.
GROW UP: crecer.
Ex. I grew up in the north of England but I moved to London for my first job.
LOOK AFTER: cuidar a alguien o algo.
Ex. Would you mind looking after our cats while we are away on holiday?
LOOK UP:buscar información.
Ex. He looked up all the new words in an online dictionary.
MAKE OUT: ver con claridad / entender.
Ex. I can’t make out who’s coming towards us in this foggy weather.
MAKE UP: inventar / compensar.
Ex. I don’t believe what she told us about meeting Brad Pitt. I think she’s making it up. We left late but if I drive fast I believe we can make it up.
PASS OUT: desmayarse.
Ex. It was so hot in the church that an elderly woman passed out.
PICK UP: aprender / buscar a alguien / levantar algo.
Ex. He picked up a few German phrases while staying in Berlin. She rushed to pick up the baby as soon as it started to cry. I’m constantly picking up the things the children leave lying around.
PUT OFF: posponer.
Ex. We have to put off the party due to the bad weather.
PUT OUT: extinguir.
Ex. It took firefighters three hours to put out the blaze .
RUN AWAY: escaparse.
Ex. The thieves ran away after robbing the bank.
RUN OUT OF STH: algo se acabó / se agotó.
Ex. We ran out of petrol in a deserted countryside road.
SET UP: organizar / quedar en algo.
Ex.Our boss set up a meeting with the CEO of the company.
TAKE AFTER: parecerse a alguien.
Ex. Katie takes after her father, she has the same blue eyes and dark hair.
TAKE UP: comenzar a hacer alguna actividad de manera regular.
Ex. I’m going to take up golf this year.
Los phrasal verbs en ingles son muy comunes y forman parte de la manera de hablar de los nativos por eso es muy conveniente y valioso conocerlos y saber utilizarlos para poder comunicarnos con los angloparlantes en forma clara y segura.
La mejor forma de aprenderlos es practicarlos y prestar atención al escucharlos.
Te invitamos a hacerlo a través de nuestros diferentes cursos de inglés tanto de conversación como inglés general, para viajes o negocios.