Muchas veces cuando estamos aprendiendo a hablar un idioma nos encontramos con ciertas palabras que nos traen confusión y problemas con respecto a nuestra lengua materna.
Este es el caso de muchos verbos y adverbios en inglés que pueden llevarnos a malos entendidos o dificultar nuestras conversaciones en inglés al igual que la comprensión de ciertos textos, artículos y mensajes escritos en inglés.
Para evitar estos y otros inconvenientes que pudieran surgir al momento de utilizar el idioma inglés hoy vamos a mirar y desarrollar el uso y el significado de estos verbos y adverbios confusos en inglés.
Table of Contents
Toggle1) Verbos Confusos en Inglés

Argue/ Discuss
Argue / Argued / Argued es un verbo regular que implica discutir con enojo o habla de un gran desacuerdo en la conversación.
I often argue with my sons about doing housework.
Discuss / Discussed / Discussed es un verbo regular que hace referencia a una conversación amistosa o un intercambio de ideas ya sea para tomar una decisión o aprender más sobre un tema.
He needs to discuss the problem with his boss.
Notice / Realize
Realize / Realized / Realized es un verbo regular que implica saber acerca o darse cuenta de algo, tiene que ver con lo cognitivo.
She didn’t realize that he was so unhappy.
Notice / Noticed / Noticed es un verbo regular que hace referencia a “ver”, “oir”, o “sentir” y tiene que ver con lo sensorial.
I didn’t notice that Karen had changed her hair colour.
Avoid / Prevent
Avoid / Avoided / Avoided es un verbo regular que apunta a evitar algo o mantenerse alejado.
Jack always tries to avoid arguing with me.
Prevent / Prevented / Prevented es un verbo regular que significa prevenir que algo suceda.
The arrival of the police prevented crime.
Look / Seem / Appear
Look / Seem / Appear son verbos regulares y sinónimos cuando hablamos de apariencia física externa.
Ex. He looks well. / He seems to be / He appears to be well.
Sin embargo, no se pueden utilizar de forma alternativa con “look” en expresiones que no indican apariencia física.
Por ej. It seems to be working / It appears to be working pero no podemos decir It looks to be working.
Si podemos decir It doesn’t look very well.
Mind / Matter
Don’t / Doesn’t mind se utiliza para expresar que no nos importa una cosa
My parents don’t mind if i stay out late.
He doesn’t mind if you can’t accompany him to the ceremony.
Doesn’t matter se utiliza para expresar que no hay problema o no pasa nada si…
It doesn’t matter if we’re five minutes late.
This door is open, but it doesn’t matter.
Remember / Remind
Remember / Remembered / Remembered es un verbo regular que hace alusión a acordarse de algo o recordar realizar algo sin necesitar que otra persona te lo recuerde.
Remember to turn off the lights before you leave. I remember how happy we were without cellphones. Did you remember to book a table for us?
Remind / Reminded / Reminded es un verbo regular que significa recordar y se usa generalmente en el sentido de recordarle algo a alguién o pedirle que nos recuerde a nosotros.
Can you remind me to call my mum later? Please remind me to buy some milk.
Expect / Wait
Expect / Expected / Expected es un verbo regular que se usa para expresar una expectativa de que pase algo.
I expect to move into my boyfriend’s flat next month. I expect the issue will be properly investigated.
Wait / Waited /Waited es un verbo regular que se usa para expresar una espera, cuando se espera a alguien o que pase algo.
We’ll have to wait half an hour for the next train. I waited for him for two years.
Wish / Hope
Wish / Wished / Wished es un verbo regular que se usa para expresar el deseo de que pase algo improbable en el presente o futuro o de que hubiera pasado en el pasado. Exactamente igual que el uso de “ojalá” en español.
I wish I won the lottery
I wish I had passed my exam last month. I wish I would pass the exam.
Hope / Hoped / Hoped es un verbo regular que se usa para desear algo que puede pasar en el presente o futuro o algo que esperamos que haya pasado en el pasado, es decir que se usa igual que el verbo “esperar” en español.
I hope you win the race. I hope he calls me.
I hope you passed your exam. I hope you will pass the exam.
Beat / Win
Beat / Beat / Beaten es un verbo irregular que se usa para expresar que le ganamos a una persona o un equipo de personas/ deportistas.
He beat John at chess. River beat Boca 2-1.
Win / Won / Won es un verbo irregular que se usa para expresar que ganamos algo pero no a alguien.
She won the tournament. Barcelona won the Championships League.
Refuse / Deny
Refuse / Refused / Refused es un verbo regular que hace referencia a negar, rechazar o denegar.
Mark always refuses to discuss the problem.I wanted to pay in cash but they refused.
Deny Denied / Denied es un verbo regular que hace referencia a negar que algo sea verdad.
She denied having stolen the bag. They denied having seen Peter in the street.
También se puede usar para negar el acceso a algún lugar.Ej. I was denied access to the disco since I’m not old enough.
Raise / Rise
Raise / Raised / Raised es un verbo regular que significa aumentar, levantar o subir haciendo referencia al objeto de la oración.
We’re not going to raise the prices yet. She didn’t raise her hand in class this morning. I have raised my voice today when I was arguing with him.
Rise / Rose / Risen es un verbo irregular que también significa levantar, aumentar o subir pero haciendo referencia al sujeto de la oración.
The sun is rising. The prices are rising all the time. The temperature is rising due to global warming. The water level rose last week. I haven’t risen this early in months.
Lay / Lie
Lay / Laid / Laid significa colocar, poner o alguien en un sitio o lugar. Se trata de un verbo transitivo que va seguido de un objeto.
I laid the baby on the bed and changed his nappy. Please lay the book on the table. I’ve just laid my papers on the desk.
Lie / Lay / Lain significa acostarse, recostarse, yacer. Se trata de un verbo intransitivo
Last night I came home and lay on the sofa and went to sleep. A hen is lying on her nest. I’m very tired, I will lie down and sleep. The cat has lain in the mud for hours.
Steal / Rob
Steal / Stole / Stolen es un verbo irregular que significa robar y se usa con el objeto que se roba.
Someone stole my bicycle. I think that man has just stolen your wallet.
Rob / Robbed / Robbed es un verbo regular que también significa robar pero que usa con la persona o institución que es víctima del robo.
The thieves robbed the bank two days ago. He robbed an old woman in the street.
Advise / Warn
Advise / Advised / Advised es un verbo regular que significa dar una sugerencia o consejo.
My teachers advised me which subjects to study next year.
Warn / Warned / Warned es un verbo regular que significa advertir.
I phoned to warn him of the workers strike. She was warned against crossing the railway tracks at night.
Lend / Borrow
Lend / Lent / Lent es un verbo irregular que significa prestar algo a alguién.
I’m short of money but my father lent me some to get through till the end of the month.
My car broke down last week so my friend lent me his for a couple of days.
Borrow / Borrowed / Borrowed es un verbo regular que significa pedir prestado algo a alguién.
She wouldn’t let me borrow her clothes.
Mark borrowed $ 5000 from his father to start the company 20 years ago.
2) Adverbios Confusos en Inglés

At the Moment / Actually
At the moment I’m working part time in a clothes shop. (En este momento / Ahora.)
At the moment they ‘re renting a flat, but they are hoping to buy one soon.
She looks younger than me, but actually she is two years older.(Realmente / En realidad )
My last name looks German but actually, it’s Dutch.
Especially / Specially
I love most kinds of music, but especially jazz. ( Sobretodo, Particularmente, Especialmente)
All the children enjoyed the fairy tale, especially the little girls.
My house was specially designed by a famous architect. (De un modo especial, expresamente).
Mary’s feet are so big that her shoes are specially made for her.
Ever / Even
Have you ever eaten snails? (Alguna vez)
I’ve travelled around the world. I’ve even been to Antarctica. (Incluso, Aún)
I feel even worse than I look.
Hard / Hardly
He trains very hard, at least two hours a day. ( Duro, Difícil)
My father worked very hard all his life.
Tim hardly ever visits his parents. (Apenas, Casi Nunca)
It’s so foggy that I can hardly see anything.
In the end / At the end
He finished his project in the end. ( Finalmente, Por último)
I didn’t want to go to the party, but in the end my friends persuaded me.
I was surprised to see how the main character has completely changed his behaviour at the end of the novel. ( Al final de algo: libro, película, calle, historia , etc.)
At the end of the film I always stay and watch the credits roll.
Late / Lately
If I don’t hurry up, I’ll be late for my doctor’s appointment. (Tarde)
I haven’t seen Harry lately. He must be very busy. ( Últimamente, Recientemente)
There have been reports of flooding lately.
Near / Nearly
My parents live near here. (Cerca)
They’ve built a new shopping center near the main square.
Dave nearly broke his leg skiing in the Alps. (Casi, por poco)
I’ve nearly finished my book, I’m on the last chapter.
Still / Yet
He’s 35, but he still lives with his parents. ( Todavía)
Please don’t tell me what happens because I haven’t read the book yet. (Aún).
Have you found a job yet?
Después de haber analizado y explicado ciertos verbos y adverbios en inglés que pueden traernos algunas complicaciones, es tiempo de empezar a practicarlos para incorporarlos en tus conversaciones en inglés tanto a nivel personal como laboral.
Si necesitás adquirir más confianza y seguridad en cuanto a su uso y significado, podés seguir practicando en nuestros cursos de inglés general, conversaciones en inglés e inglés para empresas.